
by Rafael Hernandez on May 15, 2012 · 0 comments

AMD’s Trinity processor is the successor to the company’s well received “Llano” processor which combined a CPU and graphics chip in the same die which allows for some interesting possibilities. Their new A10-4600M CPU sports computing cores inspired by the higher end Bulldozer processor giving it a nice performance boost over the older chip while the […]

Read more AMD “Trinity” A10-4600M Mobile CPU with modest performance

by Rafael Hernandez on March 12, 2012 · 0 comments

Intel’s mid-range refresh, in the form of the upcoming “Ivy Bridge” processor, has had a bit of a delay while the previous generation clears up space so it can come in and crush the performance charts. The new chip design sports a smaller manufacturing process and quite a few tweaks that will enable it to […]

Read more Intel’s Ivy Bridge has a family reunion

by Rafael Hernandez on January 6, 2012 · 0 comments

The Intel Core i7-3820 isn’t about being the fastest processor on the planet, it’ll leave that distinction to its bigger six cored brother the Intel Core i7-3960X, instead what you’ll find is a 4 cores and 10MB of cache that will still take advantage of all the nice features on Intel’s X79 chipset such as a […]

Read more Intel Core i7-3820 powerful CPU performance on a budget

by Rafael Hernandez on December 15, 2011 · 0 comments

Of course since you don’t restrict yourself to only running benchmarks it’s nice to know that the Sandy Bridge-E cored Intel Core i7-3930K is equally potent in all of your favorite applications. You’ll find 6 cores in the CPU, to go along with hyper threading technology, and a sizable 12MB of cache and an unlocked […]

Read more Intel Core i7-3930K performs well and speeds through benchmarks

by Rafael Hernandez on November 14, 2011 · 0 comments

Server processors, like the new AMD Opteron 6200, normally don’t capture much attention but this chip just so happens to pack in 16 cores into a handy package that should be a drop in replacement for existing AMD based servers which is especially enticing to the companies running high performance super computers. The CPUs are […]

Read more AMD Opteron 6200 packs more cores for your server needs

by Rafael Hernandez on November 14, 2011 · 0 comments

The Intel Core i7 3960X Sandy Bridge-E is the mammoth new processor that will absolutely outperform every other consumer oriented chip on the market. Unfortunately it’s a bit of a costly upgrade should you be used to the awesome performance that is the Intel i7 2500K or 2600K but if you’re looking to eek out every […]

Read more Intel Core i7 3960X Sandy Bridge-E tears up the performance charts

by Rafael Hernandez on October 21, 2011 · 0 comments

AMD’s long awaited Bulldozer architecture was launched last week to a mixed reception. There was hope for a high end contender but there should have been more measured expectations from the FX 8150 and its brothers… still there may be some hope for the processor since AMD is planning on including a rather hefty water […]

Read more AMD FX 8150 water cooling enables more go fast juice

by Rafael Hernandez on October 12, 2011 · 0 comments

AMD’s Bulldozer design has been quite elusive with rumored delays on the company’s latest architecture change in quite a few years. The FX 8150 CPU does its magic with four modules that each host two CPU cores that share resources with each other that should improve performance without increasing the size of the processor greatly. […]

Read more AMD Bulldozer FX 8150 finally makes an appearance

by Rafael Hernandez on August 17, 2011 · 0 comments

AMD’s Llano based A8-3850 and A6-3650 APUs are some of the first consumer friendly processors to include a graphics chip that offers competent 3D performance making for an upgrade path for a great many people that won’t break their budgets. Their modest price tags get you a quad core processor which won’t be breaking any speed […]

Read more AMD A8-3850 and A6-3650 puts Fusion technology on display

by Rafael Hernandez on July 24, 2011 · 0 comments

Processors are good for plenty of things… like adding and subtracting and handling complex computational tasks that aren’t so easily split up into easier tasks. Interestingly Intel came up with a not-so-expensive anti-aliasing technique that they feel could run on the CPU. Unfortunately for them the GPU is an immensely powerful piece of hardware that […]

Read more Intel wants your CPU doing the anti-aliasing grunt work

by Rafael Hernandez on July 22, 2011 · 0 comments

It’s hard to ignore AMD’s Llano APU since it combines a decent processor and more than useful GPU in a small package all at a very reasonable price considering a discrete graphics card with similar performance capabilities, as well as a dedicated CPU, will set you back a quite a bit more. Let’s not kids […]

Read more ASRock A75 Extreme6 has high hopes for seemingly low-power chips