
by Rafael Hernandez on April 12, 2012 · 0 comments

Sometimes you just have to go overboard with your next PC, especially when you’re working with ultra high definition footage. The new MAINGEAR Quantum SHIFT 4K workstation line can be configured with dual Intel Xeon E5 processors and up to 128GB of memory with a REDCODE configuration that allows you to work with their ridiculously […]

Read more MAINGEAR Quantum SHIFT 4K vies for your workstation dollars

by Rafael Hernandez on May 2, 2011 · 0 comments

The workstation market is packed with plenty of powerful solutions but support services are your main concern if your business is in need of such machines. Dell’s Precision T1600 workstation sports a Sandy Bridge powered processor without an integrated GPU solution which cuts down on its power needs but now requires a dedicated graphics solution. […]

Read more Dell Precision T1600 Workstation gets your productivity flowing

by Rafael Hernandez on February 15, 2011 · 0 comments

Since the bulk of PC usage for many users is simple web/social network interaction and media playback it’s good to see a number of manufacturers opting for smaller and energy efficient designs. The Sapphire Edge HD does the familiar Intel Atom and NVIDIA ION dance which means there won’t be any high-end gaming going on […]

Read more Sapphire Edge HD will fit in just about anywhere

by Rafael Hernandez on November 7, 2010 · 0 comments

The smaller a PC goes the more performance they give up for the convenience of less space being taken up but they manage to reinvent themselves into interesting designs from time to time. Zotac’s Zbox HD-ID34BR-U can fit right into your home theater setup since that’s probably why they designed it the way they did […]

Read more Zotac Zbox HD-ID34BR-U hides a PC in there…somewhere

by Rafael Hernandez on October 28, 2010 · 1 comment

Niche PCs tend to offer some compelling reason to own one, otherwise they wouldn’t make them, but they tend to struggle in one form or another which makes it more of a pain to deal with. Dell’s Inspiron HD 410 mini PC somehow hits the right marks in order to place itself in a good […]

Read more Dell Inspiron Zino HD 410 has the makings of a mini wonder

by Rafael Hernandez on October 15, 2010 · 0 comments

The miniature power house of a PC build sure is tempting but when it comes to actually fitting full sized graphics cards and heatsinks into those small cases gets tricky especially when it comes time to route all of those wires. CyberPower has announced their new LAN Party EVO series of mini PCs which gives […]

Read more CyberPower LAN Party EVO does all of the hand-cramping work for you

by Rafael Hernandez on September 27, 2010 · 0 comments

Gaming PCs come in all shapes and sizes and usually offer a healthy dosage of performance components which make the low-end options they sometimes offer somewhat odd. Still the Gateway FX 6840 series offers an impressive array of components to select from including Intel’s Core i7 processor lineup and ATI Radeon HD graphics cards which […]

Read more Gateway FX 6840-01e attempts to play your games

by Rafael Hernandez on September 24, 2010 · 0 comments

When you’ve got a form factor that simply works you’re not going to do much to endanger your little niche which is a good thing as Dell has improved its Zino HD guts, unfortunately color lovers are now limited to four color choices: black, silver, red, and blue brushed metal tops. There’s also a $39 […]

Read more Dell Zino HD gets refreshed internals, fewer color choices

by Rafael Hernandez on September 23, 2010 · 0 comments

All-in-one PCs have been one of the beneficiaries of the improved performance in low-power components meaning you’ll get quite a bit of speed out of smaller confines. The Dell Inspiron One sports a 23″ LED backlit touchscreen LCD display with all of the computing prowess to turn it into a multimedia powerhouse. Details are a […]

Read more Dell Inspiron One the self-contained computing option

by Rafael Hernandez on September 20, 2010 · 0 comments

If the thought of a miniature PC build gives you some reservations due to tight quarters then there’s no better way to get over your doubts with a system build walk through. The Tech Report has gone through the paces with the Gigabyte H55 Mini ITX motherboard and Silverstone’s SG07 which manages to pop in […]

Read more Silverstone SG07 and Gigabyte H55 make it compact

by Rafael Hernandez on September 17, 2010 · 0 comments

If the idea of putting together a miniature gaming PC seems appealing to you there are a few things to consider in your endeavor…well OK one big thing to consider and that’s the immense amount of heat output into a tiny case. You might just want to leave it to the pros. The AVADirect Nano […]

Read more AVADirect Nano Cube Gaming PC keeps it small and powerful