
by Rafael Hernandez on November 2, 2009 · 0 comments

Gaming requires a whole host of skill sets if you want to last even a few minutes against your opponent. You’ve got your hand-eye coordination, strategic mindset, and when you’ve exhausted all possible avenues to victory the good old kamikaze mission is in order. With so much to practice your skills on who has time […]

Read more iBUYPOWER Paladin XLC V2 powerful mid-range gaming

by Rafael Hernandez on October 29, 2009 · 0 comments

As far as boutique gaming systems are concerned there’s no one more famous than Alienware and their pursuit of the high end. Of course they’re only a choice if you don’t have the time and patience to build your own gaming system, but you’re an enthusiast and want things built your way right? HotHardware has […]

Read more Alienware Aurora ALX Gaming System takes performance to the next level

by Rafael Hernandez on October 20, 2009 · 0 comments

With Windows 7 just around the corner you’re bound to be hit with the deluge of new computing hardware hitting the market that makes use of many of the operating system’s features. The Dell Studio One goes for the all-in-one approach and tosses in a touchscreen so you can smudge your screen and not get […]

Read more Dell Studio One lets you get touchy with Windows 7

by Rafael Hernandez on October 7, 2009 · 0 comments

Computer manufacturers have, for years, attempted all sorts of trickery in order to create smaller designs that their customers can fit just about anywhere. Zotac’s MAG ION nettop PC does dip into that old bag of tricks but you can’t fault them for it. I mean who really needs an optical drive in this day […]

Read more Zotac MAG ION Nettop Computer, in a word: miniscule

by Rafael Hernandez on October 2, 2009 · 0 comments

While we’d all like to own the top of the line when it comes to hardware and the like sometimes you’ll settle for the lower cost option because you really don’t need all of that power or the budget is…

Read more iBuyPower Core i5 Gaming PC, an inexpensive performer

by Rafael Hernandez on October 1, 2009 · 0 comments

The all-in-one computer design goes through two distinct phases: popular and forgotten, of course with a whole host of new hardware floating around the new AIO lineup is looking more interesting than ever should you want computing in every nook…

Read more Dell Vostro 320, another shot at the All-In-One

by Rafael Hernandez on September 29, 2009 · 0 comments

Shuttle has had a long string of successful mini-PC designs and could be counted on creating something powerful, and quite toasty, in an insanely small form factor. This time around they’ve taken a different approach.The Shuttle X50 All-In-One PC crams…

Read more Shuttle X50 AIO PC, Atom goes stationary

by Rafael Hernandez on August 22, 2009 · 0 comments

LAN gaming is one of those attempts at socializing while, at the same time, spending countless hours avoiding face-to-face time with your buddies. It’s as good a place as any to verbally joust with your friends and go on that…

Read more AVADirect's Custom Gaming GT3 SFF PC, its got a Handle

by Rafael Hernandez on August 6, 2009 · 0 comments

There’s that fine line in overclocking where a few more MHz here and there add up to an unstable computer. Spending hours in the BIOS finding all the right settings then trawling around forums for those specialized overclocking tools that…

Read more Asus ROG OC Station, Overclocking With Ease

by Rafael Hernandez on August 3, 2009 · 0 comments

The thought of a pre-built gaming rig is enough to scare most enthusiasts off, a machine from one of the largest PC manufacturers around would make them run at an even faster clip. This one is different though, they’ve got…

Read more Dell XPS 630i, A Gentler Gaming Rig

by Rafael Hernandez on July 11, 2009 · 0 comments

Getting the smallest computer you could fit into a space used to mean a small form factor barebones that far exceeded the cost of a full-fledged tower desktop computer.Intel’s Atom processor has brought about more options when it comes…

Read more ASRock NetTop ION 330, Computing on a Small Scale