by Rafael Hernandez on May 28, 2010
Keyboard snobs will argue the merits of a particular design until they’re red in the face and with good reason, there’s nothing worse than spending a workday without the appropriate audio cues as to when your keystroke is acknowledged. The Das Professional S Keyboard follows in the fine tradition of the company’s mechanically keyed…keyboards but […]
Read more Das Professional S Keyboard brings the letters back
by Rafael Hernandez on November 1, 2009
Racing wheels fill that unenviable spot in gaming controllers where you’re sure to do better with one but your non-racing loving friends will question your sanity…can you blame them? Thankfully they do improve on your performance enough where you can easily justify its purchase, and perhaps a carefully crafted gaming rig/racing chair/desk/multi-monitor setup to go […]
Read more Logitech G27 Racing Wheel makes a loss your own fault
by Rafael Hernandez on October 12, 2009
While it would be nice to have a dedicated displays and input devices for every PC you have at your disposal you clearly don’t have enough desk space or a surge protector long enough. In comes the Belkin SOHO F1DD104L four-port KVM which makes sharing your USB keyboard, mouse, DVI monitor, and speakers a breeze. […]
Read more Belkin SOHO F1DD104L four-port KVM, sharing your gear without the fuss
by Rafael Hernandez on September 9, 2009
Microsoft’s hardware division continues to crank out quality products, in relative anonymity, and their newest product continues that trend. Their new Bluetooth Mobile Keyboard 6000 sports a slim design that would fit anywhere and even offers up an optional number…
Read more Microsoft's Bluetooth Mobile Keyboard 6000, it's slim and cordless
by Rafael Hernandez on August 24, 2009
You’ve got yourself your a great new gaming machine with all of the best new hardware available matched up to an equally impressive monitor and audio system but you’re still using that keyboard you bought 7 years ago. Something isn’t…
Read more Razer Arctosa Gaming Keyboard, typing for the Elite Gamer
by Pedro Hernandez on April 30, 2009
Most of us are lucky in that we can guide our mice and trackpads instinctively and with precision. That’s not always the case with the differently abled among us. Microsoft brings us this heartwarming tale of how technology, collaboration, DIY…
Read more Unsung Innovation: Mice for Special Needs Kids
by Rafael Hernandez on April 16, 2009
Gaming keyboards are a strange segment. They’re “extreme” enough that you’d think only the enthusiast set would pick up one of these pricey monsters, on the other hand they offer tons of flexibility that no-doubt calls to the WoW players…
Read more Logitech's G19 Keyboard, Spice Up Your Gaming