
by Rafael Hernandez on June 20, 2011 · 0 comments

The world of the data center and high performance computing has requirements that a regular desktop chip can’t hope to fill. Terms like density and efficiency are key so Intel has cooked up a new plan to get as much of both as possible into their next server chips. The company’s first Many Integrated Core […]

Read more Intel’s Knights Corner is no round table

by Rafael Hernandez on June 15, 2011 · 0 comments

The AMD E-350 Fusion powered processor has proven itself to be a capable chip for the netbook class of mobile computer but many users expect more processing power while on the go. Their Llano A Series APU lineup features a much more robust combination of processor cores and integrated graphics capabilities along with advanced energy […]

Read more AMD Llano takes Fusion to a whole new level

by Rafael Hernandez on January 3, 2011 · 0 comments

You might have an upgrading schedule that dictates a component being replaced after so many years, or sooner if you’re a performance fiend, but every once in a while a new product launch makes you look in disgust at your previously top-end component. Intel’s new Core i5-2500K and Core i7-2600K are based on the company’s […]

Read more Intel Core i5-2500K and Core i7-2600K may hasten your upgrading schedule

by Rafael Hernandez on December 29, 2010 · 0 comments

Despite producing the fastest consumer oriented system processor on the market Intel isn’t content to stick around with an old design for too long. The company’s upcoming (code named) Sandy Bridge processors offer distinct performance and feature advantages over any current processor available today. The chip takes on a whole host of changes all at […]

Read more Intel Sandy Bridge blazes new trails

by Rafael Hernandez on December 7, 2010 · 0 comments

Until we see some new chip architectures you’re going to have to be content with new CPU releases consisting of some minor refinements and clock speed increases to fill the burning desire for new silicon. The AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Black Edition may seem familiar since it’s just a speed bump of the company’s […]

Read more AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Black Edition rolls in slightly quicker

by Rafael Hernandez on November 13, 2010 · 0 comments

Most people don’t need much computing power but the increasingly faster high end CPUs of today have loaned their cores, sans some cache, to the budget models. Fortunately for under $100 you can find some powerful processors regardless of platform you choose. AMD has some triple core value chips to get their point across while […]

Read more Budget Processors Run the Gauntlet for your Amusement

by Rafael Hernandez on November 10, 2010 · 0 comments

If there’s one thing that makes inexpensive laptops less than appealing is their tendency to include integrated graphics chips that can’t cut it past playing some video. AMD’s Vision processor lineup will be the company’s first chips that combine a graphics chip and processor for the consumer market. Normally the integrated graphics solutions are hosted […]

Read more AMD Vision Fusion processors to bring about cheap and powerful notebooks

by Rafael Hernandez on October 18, 2010 · 0 comments

Slow gaming performance leads a while heck of a lot of enthusiasts into upgrading their systems with a heavy focus on graphics performance but games are now making better usage of multiple cores beyond the usual quad-core setup. PC Games Hardware has twenty four of the latest and greatest, and not so new, games and […]

Read more Pushing gaming performance with more cores

by Rafael Hernandez on September 24, 2010 · 0 comments

An under-served market leads to all sorts of opportunities for somebody to swoop in and grab themselves a sizable chunk of any industry which is exactly what AMD did when they saw some gaps in the CPU market between the mid-range and insanely high end processor choices so they rolled out a handful of new […]

Read more AMD’s latest CPU launch fills in the gaps

by Rafael Hernandez on September 9, 2010 · 0 comments

You may think the current generation of smartphones are impressive but companies are constantly working behind the scenes to impress you with the next generation of hardware. ARM, the company that designs the technology behind the bulk of the mobile smartphone processors out there, has announced their new Coretex-A15 MPCore design. Chip manufacturers will have […]

Read more ARM Cortex-A15 MPCore Processor will be a mobile powerhouse

by Rafael Hernandez on September 7, 2010 · 0 comments

If you’re the type to regret buying a phone that’s about to be outdated then your smartphone purchase is about to be delayed a bit. Samsung has introduced their new dual core CORTEX A9 ARM based processor designed for all manner of gadgetry from the previously mentioned smartphone to tablets and everything in between. The […]

Read more Samsung introduces Dual CORTEX A9 for your future smartphone needs