
by Rafael Hernandez on August 19, 2010 · 0 comments

Intel had been content with building all manner of microprocessors and flash storage chips to meet their customer’s needs but, oddly, being the largest PC processor manufacturer has seen it stay out of the software segment all together. They have a few tools they sell to developers but, for the most part, they mostly deal […]

Read more Intel to acquire McAfee, hardware assisted system crawl far behind?

by Rafael Hernandez on July 29, 2010 · 0 comments

AMD’s way of segmenting their processor market and pricing structure has lead to a lot of choices for consumers but it gets downright confusing when you’re choosing between fewer cores and more cache or more cores and fewer cache. Of course more intrepid individuals have taken the time to document the performance differences between processors, […]

Read more AMD processor feature performance tested, dizzying array of mixing and matching

by Rafael Hernandez on July 15, 2010 · 0 comments

Server processors tend to go for all out performance, which you do want, but that need for speed leads to nasty things like heat output and energy consumption that you have to manage one way or another. Of course processor manufacturers will gladly sell you some finely tuned CPUs that claim to pull less energy […]

Read more Energy Saving Server CPUs tested, may be full of hype

by Rafael Hernandez on June 7, 2010 · 0 comments

While the high end processors sport more cores than you can shake a stick at the low-end of the market has to plod along with dual-core chips. Frustratingly applications, by and large, aren’t optimized for many cores so these budge chips with high frequency clocks still pack a punch. Benchmark Reviews has a look at […]

Read more AMD Athlon II X2 260 Processor boasts high clock rates…for a budget chip

by Rafael Hernandez on June 2, 2010 · 0 comments

AMD has been very public with its Fusion plans for a few years now and it would seem that the first infused processors are closer to becoming reality. The company displayed a fully functioning “APU” (Accelerated Processing Unit) at Computex today offering a glimpse at what the future holds in store for end users. The […]

Read more AMD Fusion APU steps into the spotlight

by Rafael Hernandez on May 28, 2010 · 0 comments

Jumping into the overclocking arena can be a little difficult, if not tedious, as most processors require you to pump the clock rates on a system’s chipset which happens to add yet another variable that could stymie your quest for the fastest speeds. The Intel Core i5 655K and Core i7 875K processors (or K […]

Read more Intel Core i5 and i7 K Series Processors free you from multiplier locks

by Rafael Hernandez on May 21, 2010 · 0 comments

To most folks a processor is a processor. They don’t bother themselves with information on clock speeds and multiplier settings as long as their system runs quickly enough. Enthusiasts on the other hand… Intel is apparently preparing a pair of unlocked processors that fall outside of their Extreme Edition lineup. The K series Core i7 […]

Read more Intel Prepping Unlocked CPU K Series

by Rafael Hernandez on May 18, 2010 · 0 comments

Heavily multi-cored processors allow for some very powerful applications to be run and improve overall system performance…most of the time you just need a low-powered chip for the task. Legit Reviews has a look at the AMD Athlon II X2 260 based on the custom designed Regor core which should keep things running nice and […]

Read more AMD Athlon II X2 260 thinks of itself as budget friendly

by Rafael Hernandez on May 11, 2010 · 0 comments

The benefits of processor binning are in full effect allowing a good chunk of AMD’s chips to leak into the X3 and X2 classification with mighty impressive clock speeds and the chance of so much more. The AMD Athlon II X3 445 Processor sports a 3.1GHz clock speed and the random possibility of that lucky […]

Read more AMD Athlon II X3 445 Processor bumps up the clock speeds

by Rafael Hernandez on May 3, 2010 · 0 comments

Many computing tasks are making good use of the extra cores found in processors today, unfortunately some of the tasks that require brute force to work through can’t exactly be parallelized. Thankfully the AMD Phenom II X6 1090T has that covered by offering six cores and a Turbo CORE technique which will push clock rates […]

Read more AMD Phenom II X6 1090T rocks more cores and gentle clocking

by Rafael Hernandez on April 29, 2010 · 0 comments

While creating a budget build is getting quite a bit easier due to the natural drop in pricing over time but that just increases the number of options you have to consider. Aren’t purchase decisions grand? The AMD Athlon II X3 440 3GHz processor makes a good case with its highly clocked triple core setup […]

Read more AMD Athlon II X3 440 3GHz CPU sports triple core budget love