
by Pedro Hernandez on July 12, 2010 · 0 comments

Tablets aren’t the only stars of WDC 2010. Today, Microsoft released the first public beta of Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (it’s a consolidated release). Although Microsoft warns that only IT pros need apply, it’s not preventing anyone with the “right qualifications” to grab the update after a brief registration process […]

Read more Microsoft Releases Windows 7 SP1 Beta

by Pedro Hernandez on July 12, 2010 · 0 comments

The iPad’s stranglehold on the tablet market may be nearing its end.  Several new reports hint that Apple’s rivals are gearing up for a fight, and judging by the exhaustive list of combatants, things could get really interesting really fast. First comes news that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is promising a deluge of Windows 7 […]

Read more Windows 7 tablets ahoy: Dell, Toshiba, Asus on deck

by Pedro Hernandez on July 12, 2010 · 0 comments

It’s a little late for those of us that completed college with several pounds’ worth of textbooks in our back(breaking)packs, but Barnes & Noble is looking to lighten the load for future generations.  The bookseller today unveiled NOOKstudy, an “e-textbook” platform that runs on Windows or Mac — no Nook required. Set to go live […]

Read more NOOKstudy: Barnes & Noble goes to school

by Rafael Hernandez on June 22, 2010 · 0 comments

Yes you want it, well at least if you want to enjoy the bulk of web content currently available without a ton of workarounds even if it’s a frustrating piece of software…says something we’ve come to grudgingly accept an Internet sore spot. Adobe has released the Mobile version of its Flash Player 10.1 software which […]

Read more Adobe Flash Player 10.1 Mobile released, almost universally welcome

by Rafael Hernandez on June 16, 2010 · 0 comments

A new phone launch means that you’ll need some form of update in order to be ready to take care of syncing up your digital bits. In that case Apple has you well covered. iTunes 9.2 has been released which brings along Apple iPhone 4 (once you manage to get your grubby little hands on […]

Read more Apple iTunes hits 9.2 for your iPhone 4 managing needs

by Rafael Hernandez on June 15, 2010 · 0 comments

If you’re of the Snow Leopard using persuasion you’ll be happy, or upset at the prospect of propagating, to know that Apple has released an update for their Mac OS X software bringing it to version 10.6.4. A number of bug squashes are detailed including fixes that should allow Adobe Creative Suite 3 apps to […]

Read more Mac OS X v10.6.4 Update launched fixes aplenty

by Rafael Hernandez on June 3, 2010 · 0 comments

Microsoft’s Windows 7 removed quite a few of the applications people have come to rely on and bundled it under the company’s Windows Live Essentials banner in order to better promote, and update, their home-user centric programs. The company is planning to improve and extend their products with an emphasis on easily publishing your photos […]

Read more Windows Live Essentials to get some user friendly updates

by Rafael Hernandez on March 22, 2010 · 0 comments

Microsoft’s Windows 7 added a whole host of new technologies which are designed to modernize the Windows operating system lineup which also included some Virtualization technology that would help older XP based software run smoothly on the new OS. Unfortunately at launch their “XP Mode” required hardware virtualization support in order to run. No longer. […]

Read more Windows 7 XP Mode no longer requires Virtualization hardware extensions

by Rafael Hernandez on March 18, 2010 · 0 comments

Businesses dare not deploy a whole new operating system until they know the bulk of their hardware and software will run, in a stable fashion, on the fancy newly update OS…thus the wait until at least Service Pack 1 rolls around. Microsoft has deemed that line of thinking silly so they’ll be rolling out a […]

Read more Windows 7 SP1 Detailed…sort of

by Rafael Hernandez on February 11, 2010 · 0 comments

Being a popular new operating system means that there are those that would circumvent protections in the OS so as to make it seem legitimate. There are those that willingly take that risk in order to save themselves some cash, then there are those that are suckered into a new system preloaded with a counterfeit […]

Read more Windows 7 Reworking Its Copy Protection

by Rafael Hernandez on December 16, 2009 · 0 comments

Yes patches are a necessary evil, bound to break more things than are reportedly fixed but as long as you’re protected from those “remote code execution” boogeymen it’s all good. Mozilla has released version 3.5.6 of their highly popular Firefox web browser. The update fixes some nasty issues and gives you that warm fuzzy feeling […]

Read more Firefox 3.5.6 Update Released, fixes things that were broken