
by Rafael Hernandez on May 5, 2009 · 0 comments

True to their word Microsoft has released the Windows 7 Release Candidate 1 for the general public to try out their pre-release software.Their customer preview program webpage has instructions and download links for bot 32-bit and 64-bit versions of…

Read more Windows 7 RC1 Available To The Public

by Rafael Hernandez on May 3, 2009 · 0 comments

If there’s one thing to attribute to Microsoft’s operating systems over the years it’s definitely not the word “personality”. They never went out on a limb in order to make their operating systems stand out once installed, they left…

Read more Windows 7 Personalization, It Gets Unconventional

by Rafael Hernandez on May 2, 2009 · 0 comments

Microsoft’s lineup of operating systems is popular due to the software developed for it, backwards compatibility, and quite a bit of brand recognition.Apple’s OS X is the runner up, given the cost of entry it’s not hard to figure…

Read more Is Windows 7 RC a Plot to Get Users Hooked?

by Rafael Hernandez on May 1, 2009 · 0 comments

Loose lips sink ships, or rather give out super-secret launch dates for one of the most anticipated pieces of software to be released this year.Acer’s UK managing director spilled the beans on Windows 7’s availability to Pocket-lint, expecting the…

Read more Windows 7 Requirements Released, Launch Date Leaked?

by Pedro Hernandez on April 30, 2009 · 0 comments

Today’s the day MSDN and TechNet members can officially download the Windows 7 Release Candidate. So if you had qualms about torrenting the leaked image, just go to, log in and get started. Windows 7 RC1 improves on the…

Read more Windows 7 RC1 Available to TechNet, MSDN Members

by Rafael Hernandez on April 29, 2009 · 0 comments

Microsoft strives to make things easy on its less than savvy OS users. Case in point is their (rather annoying) AutoPlay feature which, when tied to AutoRun, automatically launches applications on all manner of plug-in devices and discs. Unfortunately…

Read more Microsoft Ditches AutoRun In Windows 7…For The Most Part

by Rafael Hernandez on April 29, 2009 · 0 comments

Adobe has announced that all currently shipping and supported versions (Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.1, 8.1.4, and 7.1.1 and earlier versions) of its Adobe Reader and Acrobat PDF browsing applications are vulnerable to an exploit which may allow for malicious…

Read more Adobe PDF Reader Vulnerable, Wants You To Disable JavaScript

by Rafael Hernandez on April 28, 2009 · 0 comments

There’s a distinct lack of enthusiasm when it comes to physics technology in games. It doesn’t grab an enthusiast’s attention like impressive graphics or immersive audio does but without it you’d be in for some horribly unrealistic carnage, destruction, and…

Read more NVIDIA's PhysX Push Going On Now

by Pedro Hernandez on April 25, 2009 · 0 comments

Windows 7 is turning into a love-fest. By and large, IT pros have been professing their love (or general ‘like’ at least) for the under-the-hood tweaks and XP application support under a virtual machine model. Now Gizmodo reveals some features…

Read more Windows 7 RC1 Unleashes Trippy Desktop Wallpaper

by Rafael Hernandez on April 24, 2009 · 1 comment

Microsoft’s operating system popularity can be traced to a few things namely backwards compatibility. The downside to this is that they have to provide some form of support in order to keep a customer’s old applications compatible with their new…

Read more Windows XP Mode For Windows 7, Virtualized Application Support

by Rafael Hernandez on April 22, 2009 · 0 comments

Intel’s Core i7 CPU is a beast when it comes to number crunching, far outpacing every other desktop chip known to man. Of course there are those odd circumstances where you’ll want to use it in something outside of its…

Read more Intel Core i7 Linux Virtualization Performance