
by Rafael Hernandez on September 28, 2011 · 0 comments

Apple’s iPad is an accessory and app wonderland that has yet to be matched. The bulk of the tablets making their way to the market are an intriguing mix of hardware with an odd collection of software which may, or may not, stick around long enough to make any measurable difference. Why the disparity? Well […]

Read more Tablets: Best enjoyed as a loss leader

by Rafael Hernandez on September 28, 2011 · 0 comments

Plenty of book fiends know full well the awesome amounts of reading material they can cram on to an Amazon Kindle and the ding to their credit cards that follows once you’ve gone through all of that literature. Since Amazon is in the business of selling multimedia content as well the company has announced its […]

Read more Amazon Kindles get touchable makeovers

by Rafael Hernandez on September 26, 2011 · 0 comments

The bulk of Android tablets kind of just meld together but the good news is that if you pick up the Motorola Xoom 2, which might just come out in 7 and 8.2-inch versions, you’re guaranteed some powerful hardware and some distinctive cladding that just might set it apart from the millions of tablets that are pouring […]

Read more Motorola Xoom 2 Android Tablet sports specs that are so fresh and so fly

by Rafael Hernandez on September 20, 2011 · 0 comments

Computing devices, such as the HP Touchpad, sport an amazing amount of flexibility despite its less than powerful processor but that hasn’t stopped the fervent communities, that pop up around, to squeeze as much performance as possible from their handy portable devices. Interestingly there are some substandard settings for the Touchpad that keep it constantly […]

Read more HP Touchpad Hacks to increase performance and minimize your wait

by Pedro Hernandez on July 16, 2010 · 0 comments

Is this a new trend for Android handsets? Like Sprint has experienced with its EVO 4G, it looks like Verizon has a hot little Android smartphone on its hands in the Droid X. According to numerous reports, Verizon stores are having trouble keeping it in stock after its first day of availability. And you can […]

Read more Droid X Sold Out

by Pedro Hernandez on July 15, 2010 · 0 comments

Here’s another reason Apple’s iPhone may want to watch its back, antenna issues notwithstanding. Android this week reached some pretty big milestones: 100,000 apps and 1 billion app downloads. Mind you, those figures aren’t an official, Google-certified count. The estimate comes from AndroLib, which tracks Android stats. Nonetheless, the numbers aren’t out of the realm […]

Read more Android Reaches 1 Billionth App Download Milestone

by Rafael Hernandez on June 22, 2010 · 0 comments

Yes you want it, well at least if you want to enjoy the bulk of web content currently available without a ton of workarounds even if it’s a frustrating piece of software…says something we’ve come to grudgingly accept an Internet sore spot. Adobe has released the Mobile version of its Flash Player 10.1 software which […]

Read more Adobe Flash Player 10.1 Mobile released, almost universally welcome

by Pedro Hernandez on November 23, 2009 · 0 comments

Rejoice owners of pre-Android 2.0 smartphones! Just in time for Thanksgiving, Google today announced that free Google Maps Navigation is now available for Android 1.6 (Donut) users. The Official Google Mobile Blog has the details: If you have a phone running Android 1.6, you can download an updated version of Google Maps from Android Market […]

Read more Google Maps Navigation Comes to Android 1.6

by Pedro Hernandez on November 7, 2009 · 0 comments

Poor Motorola. It’s been ages since the RAZR’s heyday. Poor Verizon. It’s got no real answer to the iPhone, though they should feel somewhat flattered that iPhone owners wish they could use their handsets on its network. Enter Motorola’s Google Android-powered Droid smartphone. It’s charming nearly everyone that spends time with it. Is it an […]

Read more Motorola Droid Review Roundup

by Rafael Hernandez on October 14, 2009 · 0 comments

If there’s a gadget out there you can bet Dell will eventually get around to taking a crack at it, their printers and PDAs sure were a hit weren’t they? Despite some hiccups along the gadget road the company is planning on launching their mini 3i smartphone in the US sometime early next year. As […]

Read more Dell mini 3i to enter US smartphone fray in 2010

by Rafael Hernandez on July 28, 2009 · 0 comments

 Creative’s Zii chip made a bit of a splash when it was announced, given its 3DLabs pedigree the system on a chip has some impressive capabilities for the mobile crowd. The company has launched a video showing their Zii…

Read more Creative Zii Plaszma Developer Platform Demoed, Android Powered