
by Pedro Hernandez on July 20, 2010 · 1 comment

What iBooks? Fears that Apple’s tablet would torpedo Amazon’s Kindle appear unfounded. Amazon today offered some pretty interesting statistics about the company’s e-book platform. According to CEO Jeff Bezos, the recent Kindle price drop helped triple sales of the e-reader. (Amazon is loathe to release exact Kindle sales figures, so we’ll have to take him […]

Read more Amazon Kindle sales soar

by Rafael Hernandez on June 21, 2010 · 0 comments

That didn’t take long at all now did it?… Barnes and Noble has finally decided to grace use all with the new NOOK Wi-Fi which shuns any sort of 3G connection, meaning you’ll want to keep yourself within range of a friendly 802.11X  spot, and gets the people that waited patiently in the door for […]

Read more NOOK Wi-Fi Launched, 3G hits $199