Spotify finally made the transatlantic leap from Europe and landed on U.S. shores earlier this summer. And while others have tried the online music subscription model, Spotify has won over critics and music lovers alike with its user-friendly software, pro-consumer usage policies and a wide variety of ways to access your music – none of […]
iPhone 4
Remember when I awarded the Belkin’s Grip Vue case (clear) for the iPhone 4 three out of five stars? Well, I’m going to have to take one of those stars back. Over the past few days I noticed that the case was looking a little dingy. Wiping it clean didn’t help. It wasn’t until I […]
Read more The (yellowing) Belkin Grip Vue case review update
Like you, I was glued to my F5 button as gadget liveblogs (like here, here and here) reported from Apple’s iPhone 4 press event. So, what is Apple doing to shut up the iPhone 4 death grip whiners? Why, giving them a free iPhone 4 bumper case (or a refund if you already bought one). […]
Not that they’re preventing Apple’s latest iPhone 4 from flying off the shelves, but the problems keep piling on. Yesterday, the Internets were abuzz with news that Consumer Reports — the vanguard of consumer rights and protections — could not recommend the iPhone 4 due to its antenna issue. As I pointed out in my […]
Update: Click here for a quick update on yellowing affecting the Belkin Grip Vue case for the iPhone 4. Although my iPhone 4 survived two falls unscathed, I wasn’t about to chance a third disastrous confrontation with a hard floor. It was time to get some protection! Naked No More: Belkin Grip Vue iPhone 4 […]
Read more Review: Belkin Grip Vue iPhone 4 Case & Zagg InvisibleShield
Can Apple’s latest iPhone live up to the hype and dazzling first impressions? Here’s a look at what buyers can look forward to long after the new phone smell has faded.
Read more iPhone 4 Review: One Week Later