
by Rafael Hernandez on September 28, 2011 · 0 comments

Plenty of book fiends know full well the awesome amounts of reading material they can cram on to an Amazon Kindle and the ding to their credit cards that follows once you’ve gone through all of that literature. Since Amazon is in the business of selling multimedia content as well the company has announced its […]

Read more Amazon Kindles get touchable makeovers

by Pedro Hernandez on July 20, 2010 · 1 comment

What iBooks? Fears that Apple’s tablet would torpedo Amazon’s Kindle appear unfounded. Amazon today offered some pretty interesting statistics about the company’s e-book platform. According to CEO Jeff Bezos, the recent Kindle price drop helped triple sales of the e-reader. (Amazon is loathe to release exact Kindle sales figures, so we’ll have to take him […]

Read more Amazon Kindle sales soar